Centrifugal Force Test  / Spin Test / Burst Test  and Finite Element Analysis
PLB Test Laboratory for Operating Strength GmbH

PLB GmbH Charlottenstr. 98
D-72764 Reutlingen

Tel. + 49 7121 490827


English Version

 High Speed Spin Test of Rotating Parts


       Electric drive motors, Rotors


          Wood- an Metalworking




       Fan Wheels


       Finite Element Analysis

PLB GmbH Impressum            




Highspeed Video of a burst test

Spin test stand

centrifugal force test stand (Schleuderprüfstand / Spin test stand)
 up to 80 000 rpm to determine: 

       burst speed (Burst Testing)
       beginning of deformation
       radial growth of rotating parts and assemblies
       factor of safety against fracture
       factor of safety against deformation

Test Parts (Spin test, Burst test)
        Radial fan wheel
Axial flow fan wheel
Dual-mass Flywheel
Clutch lining, pressing plate
       Torsion absorber
       Wheel brush
       Claw pole generator, Hybrid Motor, electric motor anchor
       Milling cutter, cutter block, planer, shaper

Test Reports

       Woodworking Tools and on  High Speed - Metalworking Tools we accomplish the overspeed test and
Centrifugal Force Type Test according to the Standard EN 847-1 and EN ISO 15 641.



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